Posts Tagged ‘Peeing’

The Summer Begins…in Unisex Bathrooms

Friday, November 21st, 2008

So since I am the most impatient person in the world, I have decided to start my Summer a bit early.  After all, I am paying just over $7 a month for this blog and I need to start seeing some RO my I.  So any stories that I feel that you, my audience (which is currently at two readers, thanks AwStats) will find entertaining, I will write about.

Last night I went to dinner with my friend Hillary, her sister Whitney, her sister’s husband Frank and two lesbian friends of theirs at a place called Grand Central Pizza in East Atlanta.  The fact that the two other girls are lesbians doesn’t really come into play in the story, but I am trying to paint a picture here.  Prior to dinner, I had consumed a couple beers and actually had my very first Whynatte (think a Jager Bomb but instead of Red Bull, its a latte), which I officially give my stamp of approval to.

The Brand New Whynatte Latte

The Brand New Whynatte Latte
